Sunday, January 29, 2012

Physics Blog #8 Bigger is not always better

I was running out of ideas to do my physics blog when I saw this amazing scene outside. Theoretically, if buildings did not have lightning rods, it would be better to be a small building, as show in the picture. 

The bigger and taller buildings (that I pointed out) would be more prone to lightning strikes because they are closer to the polarized, negatively charged underside of clouds that want to be neutral (which explains why in the times before lightning rods, tall buildings were more frequently hit). So it would be better to be a small building because you are shielded by the bigger ones.

Luckily, somebody invented lightning rods, which prevent big buildings from being shocked. When lightning strikes, it hits the lightning rod and is harmlessly conducted into the ground by a wire.

I also found this funny cartoon that made me laugh a lot because i love physics.

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